Friday, April 8, 2011

WIP Paint Party Friday

Late to the party
Not much to share except a little wine
I want to paint party Friday
and try something different.
This is one:
A watercolor face
without a sketch or plan
It just came out
and the water colors did their thing,
paper crinkled and warped
Not happy with it...
that's why it's a WIP,
know what I mean?


  1. well,
    yippeee for
    ~~self exploration & art~~


  2. Love the color of your WIP. The way watercolor naturally blend together are a joy to watch. Well Done! ;)

  3. Gemma I love this! The colors are beautiful and I can't believe you didn't sketch the face first! I just watched a YouTube video when I was looking for inspiration for my PPF submission and the artist had the neatest trick. Instead of prestretching the paper, he uses clips and clips the paper onto a board. Once the paper starts getting wet and wants to buckle, he stretches it and reclips it to the board.

    I decided to try this as I'm not one to sit around waiting for paper to dry after stretching, nor do I have the room really and it works great! There was slight buckling because I'm using the backside of a clipboard and my paper is just a tiny bit larger but it's not curling like it normally would.

  4. This is wonderful- the colrs and lines have the sort of freedom that you can't get with a drawn out "plan" I LOVE it! I try to work like this occasionally just to free myself and I usually don't like the results until after working on it a couple (or more;)) times...

  5. I don't know, Gemma. I think her face is interesting and beautiful and there is your usual flair of whimsy. A lovely piece.

  6. You don't like it? I think her expression is wonderful. Very contemplative. You can iron the back of the page (and the front if you cover with a blank paper first) with the iron set on a very low setting, like Nylon to flatten it back out. I have to do that with watercolors in my sketchbook because the pages warp a lot.

  7. Very nice, the colors are amazing together and her eyes really pop.

  8. Those eyes...they say so much. I think she's beautiful and I love the pinks and yellow lighting. They brighten her spirits.

  9. Gorgeous...i love her eyes...she is very soulful and deep...beautiful! Lovely piece!

  10. Oh, Gemma! I LOVE her! The eyes...they ARE soulful, as Victoria says. The colors flow together so soft and beautifully. The paper can always be straightened out! :)

  11. Gotta love those green eyes and red hair. She's a softness of beauty.

  12. I love the watery softness to this and your colors... so fun that you did not sketch it first.

  13. It sometimes happens with ls watercolors, eyes very much alive. Greetings

  14. Beautiful colour blending and so brave to do it without a sketch, huge applause for you. Annette

  15. Very soft and her hair is so lovely! Great work especially without a prior sketch or design to follow.

    Annabelle ~^..^~

  16. WOW...her eyes are mesmerising! Wonderful job, Gemma ~ :)

  17. Without a sketch! Amazing and confident I think.

  18. I can't imagine why you are not happy with it...I love the colors, beautiful

  19. its so soft and has a lovely feel about it!

  20. I really like how the red hair and green eyes play off of each other :)

    Such a dreamy portrait...


  21. Oh I like it as it is - it has a wonderful fantasy dreamy feel to it and I love her hair!

    Kat X
    I am so late getting to people, sorry about that.

  22. She is very pretty and you didn't sketch first? Very nice!!
