Sunday, March 28, 2010

A lovely place for lunch or tea in downtown Glendale...
is Cece's on the corner.
Little sandwiches
Fresh herbs and teas
Good food.

The roses both inside and outside are spectacular.


  1. Hi Gemma. I hope the week ahead is a good one for you. My Dad Joe was born in Glendale, Arizona. My Grandparents came to Glendale from Sonora, Mexico and most of their children were born there. My Dad used to talk about all his escapades in Arizona.:D That looks like a very nice place to go have a mini sandwich and tea. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tea and roses....what could be better?

  3. I have to echo Janet's sentiments. I think I need a cuke sandwich right about now. Those roses ARE gorgeous, Gemma!

  4. I bet those roses smell good! Just stopping by to say Congratulations you won our 1st blog giveaway.

  5. I wish I could be there with you...our restaurants don't serve real food around here.
    I loved the goat picture and story...alittle jealous about that too :D

  6. Oh, cool! I would love to go there with you. I have been to only one proper "tea house", 10 years ago when my niece took me to a luncheon tea at a cool place in Meridian, ID.

  7. It looks like such a charming place and the roses are beautiful. Enjoy!

  8. It looks like a wonderful place to kick back with a cuppa to relax, journal, or catch up with friends or family. :)
