Sunday, March 14, 2010

Local Color

I want to show you a Secret garden
AloeVera and some delicate pinks
bird bath,manzanita, wind chimes and organic veggies....
and a blue fence down the street....


  1. Lovely splashes of colour throughout your neighbourhood, Gemma.

  2. Oh my! The first thing I thought when I saw the first photo was that it reminded me of the book "The Secret Garden!" Then I read your words! You are making me long for Tucson (where I lived for two years when we were stationed at Davis-Monthan AFB)! Gorgeous feast for the eyes, Gemma!

  3. Oh gemma! What beautiful pictures! I especially love the garden wall with the flowers and vines cascading over the top ... Can Spring really be so close?

  4. I love that first photo! That one really captures the feel of a secret garden.

    And of course the one with oldest granddaughter is named Manzanita!!

  5. P. S. Thanks so much for asking about the job interview, Gemma. I honestly do not how it went. It was the most informal interview I'd ever been on. They laughed a few times, one of them swore (mild) once, and they talked about their love of their private campground. I enjoyed meeting them and the interview process itself, however, I came away just knowing that the job isn't going to come to me. They are interviewing at least 8 people and said they would let me know one way or the other by the end of the week. I hate sounding negative but just a feeling I have. I will just have to keep applying to whatever I can find that will not aggravate the fibromyalgia. I could stand a good dose of your beautiful garden spots today.

  6. Hi, Gemma,

    Oh, such beauty available to you. I wish I could say the same for here. I am frankly tired trying to find the beauty in winter. LOL!

  7. That looks so comfortable and fun. I hope to have a beautiful yard like that one day.

  8. This just makes me long to be in the desert again..Oh man..I have been feeling the yearnings stirring in my Gypsy soul. It's getting close.

  9. Ah yes, winer is lifting her blanket and it is time to move on.

  10. Very nice Gemma. I love the blue fence, a la Frida style. You take such good pictures. Have a great Friday and thanks for sharing.
