Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rookie Painter

Challenge #1

What fun to find another painting challenge blog.
It's called Rookie Painter.
Check it out!
edited to note: My scanner seemed to pick up more of the reds rather than orange tones of the oil pastel I used. Thus making these look more like apples than oranges.

Still a rookie after all these years.


  1. I checked it out and WOW!....they hardly seem like rookie painters to me!

    I like your painting....especially the dark background. It really draws the eye to the fruit.

  2. What a delicious painting! Suddenly, I'm craving apples. :) If these are "rookie" efforts, I am in the subterranean group. :)

    I also adore the casa photos in the previous post! Congrats on your walking and creative efforts. You are inspiring :)

    On a more personal note: Thank you so much for your caring and support. I appreciate you very very much :)

    Rock on sister :)

  3. Another subterranean artist checking in. LOL I am afraid to check out that blog, Gemma. Last thing I need is another challenge to overwhelm me! LOLOL Your apples look fabulous (I love that candy red color)and the old towel is perfection!

  4. Great colors and shadowing, gemma! I bow to your skills!!!!

  5. You should have painted an apple with a bite in it and then you would know it was "I", said she. :D I love apples and that is a great painting. I can't do fruit, although I have tried in the past. Have a great week Gemma, rock on!!

  6. Well, my friend...No wonder the shape looked wrong for apples! LOL Oranges indeed! Of course, now I am craving one...

  7. Love it. Love Hugs and Blessings

  8. Thanks for the link. Lovely painting. I can't imagine having the talent to do that.

  9. Here's to being a lifelong Rookie and always finding more wonders to explore!

  10. Apples ..oranges...hmmm .I wonder if it has a hidden meaning haha... are so TALENTed!

  11. thanks for introducing us to rookie painter, brilliant! can't wait to get home and get started...

    nice oranges!!


  12. Excellent painting! I have the exact same problem as you with my scanner; it picks up orange colors as red. Not quite sure how to correct this problem as I would like to be able to show orange colors when scanning a painting. Next time I have a painting with orange colors, I will try photographing it with a camera on a tripod and see if that helps.
