Saturday, February 5, 2011

She shines
with gold paint
and twinkling H2O's.
Her  glow shows through the muddy mix of colors.
Mostly she gleams from paint...
All that glitters is not gold. 
Behind her eyes there is star light.
and in her heart a Sun.
But she's not there.
Painted for the shining group at Inspiration Avenue.


  1. she looks like a being from somewhere else.. like one of those Ascended Masters from the star system Pleiades :)

  2. She is a beauty with stars in her eyes! Oh to never lose those stars.

  3. What a wonderful warm glow you've captured in this painting Gemma! Your poem is lovely and very intruiging too, gives an extra dimension and mystery :)

  4. Luscious hair full of sumptuous colours - fab!

    Kat :-)

  5. She shines with golden light - a real delight! I'm a poet and I didn't know it.
    Time to quit while I'm ahead...

  6. She glows with golden sunlight. A healthy tan.

  7. Although I'm late getting here this week, I really appreciate how you interpreted "shine." And ANYTHING you add Twinkling H2Os to will shine, anyway. I can see the glow and love the painting. All that glitters may not be gold, but this entry sure is!

  8. Gemma! so lovely! and against your blog's backdrop = PERFECT!

  9. Now this looks totally different than the painting I saw at IA...if you snooze, you lose they say...I like them both. I was curious who the wise women was in the other painting.
